David Bell and his team at Wyrsch Hobbs & Mirakian P.C. continue to work for their clients in these uncertain times


As criminal defense attorneys, our job is to help guide our clients in times of uncertainty.  Rest assured, we remain here for you, open, and working hard on your behalf.

 Many federal, state, and municipal courts in both Kansas and Missouri have suspended in-person proceedings through April.  We will make sure you have the information you need so that you do not miss a required in-person appearance or “virtual” appearance.

We are open, working on client files and prepared to assist new clients during this unsettling time. We are committed to keeping our clients safe and therefore have the ability during this time to meet remotely with clients via phone or video conferencing. Finally, we understand that legal needs do not fit neatly into a 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. timeframe. Our team can work with your schedule, including after 5 p.m. and on weekends, to best meet your legal needs.

 So while you brace yourself for a trip to the grocery store or measure out the distance between neighbors on your evening walk, you can rest assured that if you face the uncertainty of a looming criminal charge, we’ll work hard to ensure that your ‘new normal’ doesn’t include a life forever changed by your current legal situation.

 Stay safe and know that we are here to help.